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About me

About me

Why the name SONNENREIFE?

(Ripend or ripened in the sun)

What I consider my inner sun has ripened and expanded over the years. I came closer to the light and love in me, the love and the warmth of the real I, and can now express more and more the facets of my authentic being.

During many years I have trained myself in the search of knowledge and know-how, learnt a lot and remembered things I had thought I forgot. The realization of all of this prompted and convinced me to found a private company and work for my own account.

Born June 15th 1962 in Basel/Switzerland I then spent the next eleven years in Nigeria.

Back in Switzerland I have completed my education after the basic school years as follows:


 June 2010

Inauguration SONNENREIFE

 2009 - 2010

Professional Training at SFER in
Psychological Astrology

 2008 - 2010

Private studies, travels for reorientation
and setting up of SONNENREIFE

 2006 - 2008

Basic Training at SFER in
Psychological Astrology
(Diploma December 2008)

 2004 - 2006

WSET Level 2 Intermediate
Certificate in Wines, Spirits
and other Alcoholic Beverages

 2004 - 2006

Specialist taxes
(Certificate Feb 2006)

 1993 - 1996

School to become a Certified Teacher
of the F.M. Alexander Technique
(Diploma June 1996)

 1979 - 1982

Apprenticeship as a Commercial employee
in a Forwarding Company (Federal Diploma October 1982)


Practical experience

  • 15 years work in a Lawyers office in the Tax/Accounts/Audit and Social Security Department as employee specialist taxes & accounting
  • 5 years commercial employee in the drug monitoring center of a large worldwide Pharmaceutical Company
  • 5 1/2 years of experiences in different jobs as an commercial employee (pharma industry and international forwarding companies)
  • 3 years Commercial Apprenticeship in an International Forwarding Company

Additional experience

  • 8 years Post-Graduate Teacher and Assistant of the Institute of the F.M. Alexander-Technique in Basel
  • 3 years editor and responsible for the layout of the Magazine for the Swiss Association for Teachers of the F.M. Alexander-Technique (SVLAT)

  • 8 years in the board of frauenrechte beider basel frbb - new: frauenrechte nordwest frnw


  • Schweizerischer Berufsverband der AlexanderTechnik SBAT
  • EMR Erfahrungsmedizinisches Register

Hobbies and further interests

Traveling, cooking, tea & coffee, reading, foreign cultures and philosophies, photography, Tai Chi, being together with friends, gardening, being in nature, hiking, astrology, art, music, movies and cultural events